Monday, September 14, 2009

Checking on Subscribers

A lot of us have been posting frequently to our blogs. I hope you're finding this to be a useful tool. It really works wonders with your parent communication. An informed parent is a happy parent. I think.

Talking to some colleagues today and this question came up: "But does anyone ever read them?" Well, there's a way to find out, but it's a bit tricky. Follow these steps after you've either taught parents how to subscribe, or have manually subscribed for them...

1. Log on to using your Google (a.k.a. GMail) account
2. Click on the name of your blog
3. Click the PUBLICIZE tab
4. In the sidebar on the left click "Subscription Management"
5. If you have any subscribers, they'll be listed toward the bottom of that page (beneath "Total Subscribers). You might have to scroll down to see this.
6. If a person has confirmed the email that feedburner sent them, they are listed as "active." If they haven't, you'll see "unverified."

Hopefully this makes sense and hopefully you've got a number of subscribers already. And here's a good idea: set up a computer in your room during Back to School night that parents can use to subscribe and confirm. Remind them that taking a few minutes to do this will pay off big time in the long run.

Let me know if you need any help with subscriptions or blogging.

1 comment:

  1. What do you recommend for parents that don't have access to internet on a regular? Should we still do a newsletter to make sure we are using many forms of communication with our parents? Has someone done a survey of the % of our populations that have computers at home?
