Friday, October 1, 2010

Blogging Assignment Number Two

Now that you have your blogs up and running, here's the second part of this month's assignment...embedding videos in your blog.

There are millions of videos available out there online to share with students and parents. Maybe it's a video about a concept you're studying in class. Maybe it's something motivational or informational that you want to share with parents. Maybe you can't get enough of that cat playing the piano and you feel compelled to share it with the world. Whatever the case, your blog is a perfect means for sharing online video.

What you need to do is "embed" the video in your blog post so that it can be played directly from your blog.

Here's how you do it:

  1. Find a video you want to share. You can use the ubiquitous YouTube or a specialized site like TeacherTube or even search for videos using Google.
  2. Look for the "embed code" and copy it (highlight it and hit command+c or use the edit menu) Note: on YouTube, you have to click the "Embed" button to get the code.
  3. Create a new post for your blog and paste the embed code where you want the video to appear.
  4. Publish your post and the video will be visible for all to view!
  5. When you've completed a post, leave a comment on this post below so we can all go to your blog and check out the video you've shared!
It'll look something like's a really good TED talk that I recommend watching. (Checkout the TED website for hundred of other good similar videos)


  1. The TED was in Detroit this week, and i missed it, boooo!

    added a DIA video about the technology at the museum to my blog.

  2. Oh and for crying out loud, feed the fish, people!

    BTW, awesome video, Danielle, thanks for posting.

  3. i added another video to my blog, and it is getting cut off? is there a way to remedy this?

  4. I finally posted my first video. It took me a minute before I realized that I was suppose to click on the "Edit HTML" tab, not the "Compose" tab to embed the code. But I got it. I am learning so much from this class, that I am impressing myself. Thank, Ben!

  5. YEAH!!! I got a video posted:) It actually took longer to find the video I wanted than to embed. Thanks, Ben.
